
Job Search Tip From the Pros: Complete a Social Media Review

Complications from coronavirus may have slowed the economy, but businesses are still hiring. Some businesses are actually thriving in these pandemic conditions, thus, certain types of professional positions may be in even greater demand. But candidates must present records that are as spotless as possible. Social media profiles, posts, and comments are one source of [...]

2021-07-22T01:57:56+00:00July 22nd, 2021|Career Advice, Job Search Tips, Resume Tips|

The Quick Guide to Growing Your Social Media Team

Building your social media team is about more than just gaining more people to perform the tasks of a social media campaign. You want to build a team that works together, fulfilling specific roles that both compliment and check each other. This is the best way to have both harmonious teamwork and create some truly [...]

2021-03-29T21:02:47+00:00April 29th, 2021|Social Media, Staffing|

Should Companies Research Potential Employees Through Social Media?

Social media dominates how we interact. The three media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, have 1.6 billion, 800 million, and 300 million active users respectively. As with everything else, social media has spread to the professional sphere and greatly determines how companies interact with their consumers and employees. Further, the natural offshoot of this is [...]

2020-07-15T18:43:00+00:00July 1st, 2020|Employer Policy|

5 Tips for Creating a LinkedIn Profile That Reflects Your Personal Branding

A strong and professional social media presence can be a powerful tool in a job seeker's arsenal. Facebook and Twitter are the most often talked-about platforms regarding influence and networking, while many see as LinkedIn as just another place to post their resume.

2020-02-24T17:02:27+00:00April 1st, 2019|Job Search, Job Search Tips, Social Media|

5 Soft Skills Employers Want

As a job candidate, you want to bring your best game to the interview process. This means outshining other candidates who may have the same education, certifications or experience that you have. So what can you do to stand out from the crowd in order to leave a positive, lasting impression on the hiring manager? [...]

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