It sounds like a dream: Living in Hawaii, surrounded by palm trees and fresh tropical fruit, the sound of waves lulling you to sleep. It’s paradise on Earth after all, right? 

While all of that can be true, there are other factors to consider about living in Hawaii, especially if you’re considering a move to one of our beautiful islands. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows all the time: 

  • The cost of living in Hawaii tends to be higher than on the mainland, with a higher consumer price index that went up nearly 5% in Honolulu alone recently. The national U.S. average consumer price index increased 3.2%, by comparison. This drives up the cost of housing, utilities, food, and other expenses, all things you need to pay for to live. 
  • The average rent in Honolulu is now around $2,600 per month for a two-bedroom apartment measuring roughly 845 square feet. That’s on par with an apartment in Washington, DC ($2,474 monthly for 747 square feet) or New York, with a New York City-driven average of $2,739 per month to rent 847 square feet. If you have a family that requires more room, be prepared to pay more for an apartment or home. 
  • The average weekly salary in the United States in the first quarter of 2024 was $1,527; the average weekly salary for all of Hawaii was $1,278, while the average in Honolulu was slightly higher, at $1,326. 

If you want to live and work in Hawaii, it’s important you know all those factors before packing up and making a move! It’s also important to have a job lined up, if at all possible, before making a big life change like this. 

Thankfully, making an informed decision is easier when you work with a partner like Bishop & Company, a dedicated staffing firm based in Hawaii and specializing in helping Hawaiian companies find great employees — and helping job seekers find good jobs that will allow them to live a good life on our beautiful islands. 

When you’re considering job offers in Hawaii, keep the following in mind: 

Do the math.

Make sure any position you’re looking at will provide you a salary you can live on and provide a steady income for yourself and your loved ones. It’s important to consider the cost of housing, food, utilities, etc., with your potential salary in mind. When applying for jobs, make sure you’re realistic about where you want to live and what you’ll be able to afford with the salary being offered. You might be able to negotiate a slightly higher wage, but depending on the industry, you might not have much room for improvement. Speaking of…

Consider the highest-paying industries on the islands and those most likely to be hiring right now.

You’ll likely find these things don’t always overlap! The largest industry in Hawaii for 2023, the last year for which annual data is available, was food preparation and service, accounting for about 13.3% of the state’s total employment. These jobs also represent among the lowest paying, with an average median hourly wage of $16.93 per hour. Office and administrative jobs had the second-largest percentage of positions, with 13.2% of all jobs, but here the average wage is $22.15 per hour. Higher-paying jobs can be found in management (an average of $51.21 per hour), healthcare practitioners ($48.90), and computer and math-based occupations ($45.67)

Call Bishop & Company. 

For nearly 40 years, Bishop & Company has been a Honolulu-based staffing company with strong local roots and ties to Hawaiian companies. We understand both the needs of job seekers who are trying to make a great life for themselves, with a bright future in the career field of their choice, and the kind of skills and backgrounds our client companies are looking for. We can help you find a job that will bring your dreams to life: A job that pays you a good salary, allowing you to afford a nice home without having to pinch pennies to pay for the higher cost of living compared to other places in the country. We have longstanding ties to companies in the healthcare, administrative, and IT industries and know what our partners want in a job candidate; if you’re interested in a job and we agree that you’d make a great fit, we can put your resume directly into the hands of decision-makers, giving you the best possible chance at getting hired. We work with nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and big businesses alike, meaning your opportunities are limitless! 

Maybe you already live in Hawaii but want to make a change and improve your life: We’re here for you too! Whatever your story, we want to help you achieve your dreams and live the life you’ve always wanted. When you’re ready to get serious about making a life in Hawaii, it’s time to call Bishop & Company