
Joining a Team Right Before the Holidays: Should You Bring Gifts?

You've landed a new job and you're still just getting to know everyone, but the holidays are coming up - a time when personal relationships are in the spotlight. Close work friends may trade personal gifts, while the entire office might have a few traditions that involve gifting between coworkers. As the newest person, [...]

2022-12-15T20:48:50+00:00December 15th, 2022|Holiday Spirit, Office Fun|

Top 6 Things to Give Your Employees for Christmas This Year

When the holidays roll around, so too does the good cheer. Many employers feel the magnanimous urge to give Christmas gifts to their staff in one form or another. This is great! A giving employer shows the team that they really care and are appreciated. However, what exactly should you give your employees for Christmas [...]

2021-12-14T08:14:41+00:00December 12th, 2019|Employee Retention, Holiday Spirit, Office Fun|
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