Complete List of Home Office Essentials for Your Remote Job

Working from home is not for the faint of heart. Actually building a home office and remaining focused on work while at home is a surprising challenge. Many home professionals are continuously honing their home office design to keep it fresh and inspiring. Whether you've been working from home for years or have just [...]

2023-03-26T20:46:09+00:00March 24th, 2023|Remote Workers|

Business as Usual Is Not So Usual Anymore: Cater to the New Normal With a Flexible Work Environment

A woman sips her morning coffee as she walks into the office. A habit she has honed after years of doing the same thing every morning of every weekday. She sits down to work in the same office, at the same desk, around all the same people from 8 in the morning to 5 [...]

2022-10-06T01:46:49+00:00October 5th, 2022|Company Culture|

The Power of Choice: Why Employees Prefer Working Remotely

If someone ever told you that remote working would be a prevalent trend for executives and professionals, you probably disregarded the thought. However, the emergence of Covid-19 necessitated a paradigm shift for employers and employees alike. Even with the pandemic easing out, many CEOs are still confident that working remotely is the way to go [...]

2022-04-18T15:14:22+00:00April 8th, 2022|Remote Workers|

What IT Professionals Look for in a Job Before They Say Yes – Part 2

[Continued from Part 1] 4. Competitive Pay for IT Professionals Naturally, pay comes into the equation. IT professionals see a lot of offers today. In fact, even passive candidates are being bombarded with opportunities to scale up in pay. Make sure your company is offering a competitive salary option for each IT role you are hiring. [...]

2021-12-09T23:49:51+00:00December 9th, 2021|IT Recruiting|

What IT Professionals Look for in a Job Before They Say Yes – Part 1

Right now, tech jobs are in record-high demand. IT professionals, tech gurus, and top tech talent write their own tickets. In other words, they have bargaining power. There simply aren't enough IT professionals looking for new roles to fill all the tech roles currently open, with many more opening as companies adapt to a new [...]

2021-12-09T23:44:54+00:00November 30th, 2021|IT Recruiting, Recruiting Top Talent, Remote Workers|

A Blended Workforce Is Here to Stay and Here’s Why

Working from home (WFH) and working in the office (ITO) is a blended workforce strategy that is here to stay. Employers know that keeping an eye on their workers is sometimes key to driving results. The long-held fear was that employees that work from home would see a decrease in performance, morale, and other things. [...]

2021-02-09T00:07:31+00:00February 8th, 2021|Remote Workers, Staffing|

Keeping Your Company Culture Alive During the Age of Remote Work

Right now there are millions of professionals working from home. Many are rebuilding their teams and their entire workflow during this work-at-home global event. After the challenge of building a remote network and establishing a diaspora of home offices, companies are facing a new hurdle. How can you maintain the company culture through a remote [...]

5 Basic Tips for Managing Your Telecommuting Staff

If you're a business manager, chances are you've had to use telecommuting to get through the Coronavirus. Maybe this is a new territory for you, and you're not quite sure how to effectively manage your team members who are now working from home. Here are five basic tips on how to successfully manage a telecommuting [...]

2020-10-28T17:37:22+00:00August 1st, 2020|Remote Workers|
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