All the buzz around hiring might be aimed at the younger generation and trying to figure out the best ways to attract a fresh crop of bright new stars, but that attention might be slightly misplaced.
Have you considered the incredible wealth of knowledge and experience your company can gain by hiring a more experienced, senior employee?
Consider the following before ruling out anyone over the age of 40.
They’ve been through a wide range of experiences.
Senior workers have been through more technological advances and changes than most people realize. They know how to research without Google; they know how to find people without social media and they know how to build relationships with clients and coworkers through conversations and shared experiences. They know how much technology has changed their lives and their working history and can share some insight on other ways to do things because they’ve had the chance to learn and evolve throughout their career.
They believe in committing to a job.
Changing jobs every few years is a relatively recent phenomenon. Think about your parents and grandparents: They worked for a company from the time they were hired until they retired — it was far more common then than it is now. They understand the importance of being loyal to a company and that their loyalty will and should be reciprocated. They value the stability of a working routine, where they arrive at work the same time every day, leave at the same time every day and spend their eight-hour work day focused on their tasks and responsibilities. Hiring a senior employee can help provide a great example to your younger workers about what a different kind of work ethic and dedication looks like!
They’re confident in their ability to make decisions and see them through.
Senior workers have been in their careers long enough to know how to trust their gut instincts. This makes them natural leaders and helps them carry themselves with confidence and the convictions of their ideas. That kind of charisma and steadfastness makes them a great resource when it comes to problem solving and leading a team through making important decisions on projects and setting goals.
They can be built-in mentors and teachers to younger employees.
Senior employees have seen and done just about everything. They’re calm and steady influences with plenty of knowledge and stories to share. This makes them fantastic mentors who can help lead young employees through new tasks and opportunities, providing guidance and real-life comparisons and insight that will help your younger employees build their confidence and knowledge all at once. They’re also more likely to be patient and compassionate with someone who’s just starting out, especially if they have adult children or young adult grandchildren of their own who are in similar circumstances.
Their perspective on just about everything will be different.
Employees with more experience know so much about the working world and about life and they’re eager to share. They know that good things come when you work for them and that hard work pays off down the road. They are more willing to be patient and diligent to get the job done correctly the first time, instead of taking the shortcuts to check a box only to have to redo everything. Their background means they’ve learned to ride the waves as life takes turns and they know the value in sticking with something through to completion, instead of getting frustrated when things don’t go perfectly with the least amount of effort. They’re not tied to the trendy way of doing things and can explain how a different method might seem outdated but is really a tried and true method that should be incorporated instead of shrugged off as old-fashioned. This makes them great collaborators and eager teachers and younger employees
Looking for Top Talent in Hawaii?
Hawaii is a very attractive place for people to think about retiring, thanks to our fantastic weather and natural beauty. There are many seniors looking for work, whether as a second or third career or as something to help them feel powerful and important during retirement. Whether you’re looking to hire a consultant or a new employee, it’s worth your time and theirs to consider hiring senior employees to your team for all the advantages they can bring your company.
Here at Bishop & Company, we’re eager to help all companies find the right employee for their position, especially those looking for highly trained and qualified employees with experience that can be beneficial for your team. When you’re ready to add senior workers and reap the benefits, call Bishop & Company!
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