There are moments in all of our lives when we are shaken to our very core. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a divorce or end to a significant relationship, even the unexpected loss of a job we loved, it can feel like the whole world is flipped upside down and spinning out of control.

Take a deep breath. Know you’re going to find a way forward and that you have people in your life who will gladly step up to support you in this time of need.

When the time comes to start to rebuild, consider that work can be a welcome distraction from everything else going on in your life. It’s a place where you can make friends, learn new things and have something else to think about without being reminded of your heartbreak.

  1. Take the time you need to rest and recover.

When we go through a traumatic event, we need to take a break from the rest of the world. Spend time with your loved ones. Spend time in nature and reconnect with the world around you. Sitting by the water can be a peaceful way to reflect, clear your mind and recenter yourself. Thankfully, in Hawaii, there are plenty of secluded spots to sit in peace and work through your feelings. You’ll know when you’re feeling strong enough to take the next step, which includes knowing when it’s time to find a new place to work.

  1. Lean on your friends and family.

We must embrace the concept of Ohana. Family and our communities are at the center of our lives. When you’re going through something difficult, you might not want to ask for help, but the people who love you will want to support you and carry you through until you’re back on your feet again. Let them. You’d be there for the people who matter to you when they needed you; now let them return the favor.

  1. Put some time into your resume.

Whether you’ve been out of work for a little while to care for a sick loved one, or if you’ve put your career aside to raise a family while your spouse worked, it’s understandable if some time has passed between jobs. When you’re ready to look for a new one, the concept of writing a new resume might feel daunting. Take some time to think about all the work you’ve done, which skills you’ve utilized, and the best way in which you can highlight your expertise and experiences. Soft skills, like communication, organization, time and project management, abilities you have that are not job title-dependent, are in high demand by all employers! The work you’ve done in the past, no matter how long ago it was, can be really important in helping you find a new position.

  1. Go online.

If you don’t have a LinkedIn or other professional social networking profile, it’s time to create one. This is a great way to see what jobs are available and to post your newly polished resume up, allowing companies to find you. At Bishop & Company, we look through resumes on behalf of our partner companies all the time, in the hopes of finding strong candidates who might be a great fit for their open positions. It also makes it easier for you to browse what companies are hiring while giving you a social outlet by joining groups pertaining to your interests.

  1. You don’t need to go all in from the start.

If you’re unsure what kind of job you’d like to have, consider taking temporary or part-time work. It’s a great way to get your skills up-to-date and to ease your way back into a work routine. Some companies might even be willing to hire someone on a part-time or temporary basis to see if it’s a good fit for all sides; this could be a fantastic way to see what works best for you while still earning an income and giving yourself time to readjust to your new normal.

  1. You also don’t have to do it alone.

Job searching is a stressful endeavor at any time; when you’re grieving a loss or working through a big change in your life, it can feel overwhelming and isolating. But you can have all the help you need, along with a steady stream of good advice, by working with a staffing agency like Bishop & Company. Our recruiters and staffing experts can help you get your resume into great shape, discuss job opportunities and help you apply for them and can help you access tools to add to your skill set while looking for a great new job. We’re here to help you find your best new path forward, and we provide all our services free of charge to job candidates. We want to help you succeed and get excited for your bright new future, even if you aren’t ready for full-time work just yet.

Our team is here to help!

When you’re ready to re-engage with work, Bishop & Company is standing by, ready to help you, with support, inside and guidance to get you where you want to go. Give us a call at 808-839-2200 when the time is right and we’ll be with you all the way.