Understand the characteristics that make Hawaii’s workforce unique, from cultural diversity to educational backgrounds. We know that living in Hawaii is a wonderful, special thing, but what many of us might take for granted is how wonderful our workforce is as well.

When you’re looking to hire new employees, keep in mind some of the characteristics that make local workers special.

Aloha culture runs deep and our talent pool is filled with it.

The spirit of kindness, gratitude and helpfulness, of working together for the greater good, makes people from Hawaii hard workers who want to see everyone succeed and live a good life.

Our mental health levels are higher than anywhere else.

Better mental health comes from keeping things in perspective and keeping priorities in order, which means better attendance at work and better relationships between colleagues.

We’re happier than most Americans.

When you live in paradise, it tends to improve your outlook on everything! Hawaii ranks second only to Alaska as the happiest place to live in the country. Happy people take things in stride, reducing conflicts in the workplace.

We are a welcoming people.

We believe everyone has a right to be here and to belong. With a diverse population, we welcome everyone into our personal homes and our lives. Celebrating diversity comes second nature.

An underlying eagerness to help makes for a great team.

Whether it’s helping tourists find the hidden gems, pulling together to finish a project early or working extra hours for the greater good to help complete a difficult task, people in Hawaii have a strong work ethic that matches their dedication to their community.

The concept of Ho’ohana is deeply entrenched.

The people in Hawaii value their time and their leisure activities, but the belief in finding good, meaningful work and doing it well is another essential characteristic of our population. By putting value and meaning into their work, Hawaiians want to do their jobs well and with intention, making for detail-oriented workers who will strive to do their best and give their all every day.

Find Local Talent Today!

What better way to help find the best employee for the job than working with a staffing agency that focuses on Hawaii? At Bishop & Company, we embody all these characteristics and more, wanting to work closely with our clients to find the most qualified candidates for their jobs as quickly as possible. We take Ho’ohana very seriously — our work is meaningful, bringing together qualified candidates with our partner clients in what we hope will be a long, successful and happy employment arrangement! When you’re ready to learn more about what Bishop & Company can do for you, give us a call.