
What Companies Really Look for in a Candidate

When applying for professional employment with a great salary and benefits, the credentials, of course, must be there. Most people applying for these types of jobs will bring to the table qualifications that meet, or exceed, those credentials. Companies go into candidate searches aware of these factors as well, and while one or two candidates [...]

2021-03-29T21:00:32+00:00April 12th, 2021|Job Search, Job Search Tips|

How You Can Find Out Who’s Hiring During the Pandemic

There's no doubt that the pandemic turned the economy upside down. However, that doesn't mean there aren't any companies hiring. Many businesses have reopened and while some are simply striving to navigate through this constantly evolving time, many more have taken this opportunity to reinvent themselves and are likely in need of employees with new [...]

2021-01-21T23:24:36+00:00January 21st, 2021|Job Search, Job Search Tips|

Elevate Your Job Search With an Introduction Video

You've polished your resume, put together an exceptional cover letter, and even created an elevator pitch in order to find that perfect job. Yet, you can tell you're missing something that will truly help you get an edge on other job candidates. Create an introduction video! These short videos are the perfect way to fully [...]

2021-01-25T21:08:25+00:00October 27th, 2020|Job Search, Job Search Tips|

How to Remain Positive During Your Current Job Search

If you are looking for a job during COVID-19, you might find yourself feeling a bit discouraged. It might feel like no one is hiring. It is important, though, to remain positive. There are several things that you can do to help you maintain positivity during the job search. Remember Things That Thrive During Adversity [...]

2020-09-04T20:22:28+00:00September 4th, 2020|Job Search, Job Search Tips|

Starting 2020 with a Bang and a Brand New Website

We're starting 2020 with a bang, and a BRAND NEW WEBSITE! Our beloved froggy has found a new home! With all the bells and whistles we wished for, we're thrilled that our new website offers both the job seeker and the employer looking for the perfect candidate new and exciting features and highlights [...]

Six Career Possibilities for People Who Love to Take Business Trips (Part 2)

Welcome back to the second half of our article on finding a career that can feed your unquenchable desire for travel. (To read our first installment, click here!) If you enjoy the idea of jet-setting, get excited instead of scared or sick on plane flights, and find every opportunity for business trips, the business world [...]

2020-03-18T02:10:00+00:00September 3rd, 2019|Business Travel, Job Search|
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