Everyone sees “business” as an unchanging institution. It evolves with the trends but in itself, it is a solid wall of office buildings and repeated daily routines. You have the same cup of coffee and say hello to the same coworkers. But in reality, business ebbs and flows with the rest of the natural world that we have shaped to our purpose. The one thing to remember about business is that it is a product of human civilization, and we are cyclical by nature in tune with our plant, star system, and the spinning universe.
Everything comes in waves and cycles, highs and lows. The pendulum swings back, the tide goes out and comes in again. In our personal lives, we make and lose friends. Romances flare and dim. Our physical bodies have peaks of wellness and troughs of illness. As the seasons change, so too do our patterns, and so does the business world.
The Seasons of Business
Many professionals do know about the seasonality of the business world. Industries have busy seasons and slow seasons based on the weather, the quarter, and seasonal holidays. Retail experiences a rush in the winter while roofing and construction see their rush season in the summer. Financial businesses often have a massive frenzy of work to do for tax season and the travel industry deals with a complex web of busy season ebbs and flows.
Anyone who has worked in a job that faces massive work increases or hires temporary workers for a season has seen the seasonality of business. Most of us have worked for some time in the hospitality and restaurant industry and know the ebb and flow of tourism. As in life, business follows predictable patterns. The interesting factors arise when you see that these factors, in themselves, are very human.
The Seasons of a Professional Career
Deeper into business cycles come those smaller seasons formed by a professional’s career. We like to imagine a career as a steady upward staircase. However, in reality, there are plateaus and even dips that are perfectly natural in any professional experience. You may need time to hone your skills before going to the next level. Also, you may find your ideal position and never want another promotion or lateral movement. You might have to leave a job that is bringing you low, even if the money was good, to ensure your ability to move forward (and upward) in the future.
If you tackle the slow and challenging times in your career with determination and creativity, you can find your way to the next upward-moving step.
Handling Life’s Ups and Downs With Aplomb
Lastly, there is the cyclical nature of our personal lives. The cycles of you and your family will influence your life, but you can choose how to interpret that influence. If your spouse gets sick for a few days, that’s just a normal part of life. You both will be happier if you can keep them company and take care of them with an easygoing laugh and a joke when they’re feeling down. When it’s time to celebrate, share the joy with those close to you to multiply your happiness. By mastering the ups and downs of your personal life with grace and strength, every situation becomes an opportunity to increase joy and/or remove stress for you and those around you.
Learn More About the Seasonality of Business and Human Life
Sometimes we earn a promotion, sometimes we get a crummy boss. Sometimes you’re stressed during the busy season and sometimes you can kick back with your checklist complete. By embracing the ebb and flow, the cyclical nature of life, you can weather the little ups and downs in life into a totally positive experience and reach your next level of happiness and success.
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