
The Quick Guide to Growing Your Social Media Team

Building your social media team is about more than just gaining more people to perform the tasks of a social media campaign. You want to build a team that works together, fulfilling specific roles that both compliment and check each other. This is the best way to have both harmonious teamwork and create some truly [...]

2021-03-29T21:02:47+00:00April 29th, 2021|Social Media, Staffing|

5 Tips for Creating a LinkedIn Profile That Reflects Your Personal Branding

A strong and professional social media presence can be a powerful tool in a job seeker's arsenal. Facebook and Twitter are the most often talked-about platforms regarding influence and networking, while many see as LinkedIn as just another place to post their resume.

2020-02-24T17:02:27+00:00April 1st, 2019|Job Search, Job Search Tips, Social Media|

Five Ways LinkedIn Can Help Land Your Dream Job

Originally launched in 2002, LinkedIn is now "the" business professional's social network. LinkedIn is a respected veteran when it comes to social media platforms. The reason for this is simple – it is a great space to connect, network, and prove your value to potential employers. In 2016, the site had more than 433 million worldwide [...]

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