
Six Smart Ways to Knock Out the Old Hiring Biases from Your Brand

Eliminating bias in the hiring process has been a noble decades-long effort in the business world. We can carefully assess the skills of candidates. We can work harder to recruit from a broader pool of candidates and, although we've done very well in moving the ball forward, there are still a few lingering inherent biases [...]

2021-03-23T03:04:25+00:00March 22nd, 2021|Hiring Tips, Recruiting Top Talent, Staffing|

A Blended Workforce Is Here to Stay and Here’s Why

Working from home (WFH) and working in the office (ITO) is a blended workforce strategy that is here to stay. Employers know that keeping an eye on their workers is sometimes key to driving results. The long-held fear was that employees that work from home would see a decrease in performance, morale, and other things. [...]

2021-02-09T00:07:31+00:00February 8th, 2021|Remote Workers, Staffing|

A Slowed Economy Does Not Mean a Hiring Freeze! Companies Are Still Hiring

The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown have impacted the economy. Businesses have closed and constricted. But the wheels are still on the wagon. The force of supply and demand has not broken and supply chains are intact. Not only is this keeping everyone in lockdown alive, but it's also essential to those seeking work right [...]

2020-05-12T01:36:29+00:00May 11th, 2020|Staffing|

Starting 2020 with a Bang and a Brand New Website

We're starting 2020 with a bang, and a BRAND NEW WEBSITE! Our beloved froggy has found a new home! With all the bells and whistles we wished for, we're thrilled that our new website offers both the job seeker and the employer looking for the perfect candidate new and exciting features and highlights [...]

Why Using a Staffing Agency is a Good HR Decision

Research by Forbes magazine reveals that the financial consequence of each bad hire is around 30 percent of their annual wages. Staffing agencies mitigate these risks by sourcing, screening and offering only the best candidates to their clients. Staffing agencies are knowledgeable of the industries they serve and maintain a keen understanding of the current [...]

2020-01-31T19:20:06+00:00July 1st, 2016|Recruiting Top Talent, Staffing|

How a Recruiting Firm Can Cut Your Hiring Costs

Recruiting for an open position is a costly endeavor for any company, big or small, and not one that should be taken on lightly. From managing your listings on job boards to interviewing and vetting dozens of candidates, finding the right new hire is a full-time job with new expenses around every corner. The total [...]

2020-01-31T19:14:54+00:00October 1st, 2015|Recruiting Top Talent, Staffing|
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