
5 Career Change Challenges for Women Over 45

We meet new potential candidates who come to us with specific concerns as they pursue new interests. Often, they are women 40 years and older, with extensive career experiences, that are suddenly faced with making a change. There are challenges to taking the next step. Today, we're highlighting five challenges that might resonate with you [...]

2021-12-28T02:22:40+00:00March 12th, 2020|Career Advice|

Make Your Resume Shine

The perfect resume is a well-crafted document that will make it past the scrutiny of an ATS (applicant tracking system) and get you the all-important interview that will move your career in the right direction. Here are some quick resume tips to help you present yourself in the best light possible.  Keep Formatting Simple Fonts do matter. Select one that [...]

Crafting the Resume

Before you begin to write, you might keep in mind what a resume is and what it has become. First of all, resumes are letters of presentation when you are asking for recognition by parties or institutions. They have always been ways for people to formally introduce themselves and their abilities to people who have [...]

2020-01-31T19:16:54+00:00June 1st, 2016|Job Search Tips, Resume Tips|
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