[Continued from “Burnout and Limited Autonomy: What You Can Do to Get Free – Pt 1“]

Tunnel Vision Burnout: You Can’t See the Way Out

The last kind of burnout caused by a lack of autonomy can happen to anyone. Your routine gets the better of you and you really do start doing the same thing every day without quite realizing why you’re burning out. Maybe your job really is in a rut, and maybe your boss isn’t giving you room to grow. You might feel trapped in certain roles at home, or even forced to socialize in ways you’re not comfortable with – but feel obligated to complete.

Over time, it feels like the walls close in on what you’re supposed to do and who you’re supposed to be. Burnout becomes a vicious cycle. As you get tired, weariness causes tunnel-vision and it gets harder to see ways you can make a beneficial change, and burnout goes a little deeper with each repetition.

But wait. You might not see them right now, but you have options.

How to Break Out of Burnout When You Have Limited Autonomy

What do you do if your job is a soul-crushing dead-end that treats you like a press machine or worse? What do you do if your responsibilities at home or with friends feel more oppressive than uplifting? How do you move forward and overcome burnout while dealing with a realistic and confining situation?

Write Down All Your Options

The first step is to break out of your mental rut. Having little autonomy at work or responsibilities at home can feel absolute – but they’re not. You always have options, and as a grown human, you have the ability to make changes for the better in more ways than you realize.

So what can you do? Write down every possible option to make positive changes to your situation -from the highly unlikely to the good and practical. Could you – logistically – drop everything and move to Bali? Yes. But you’re more likely to choose more approachable options like job searches, night classes, or art projects to uplift your spirit and take charge of your routine.

Make Small Changes to Your Personal Routine

Next, start making little changes that build your sense of empowerment. You have the power to pack your lunch differently. You have the power to rearrange the furniture in your house or to style your hair a different way.  Did you know that just doing common tasks in reverse can trigger greater creative thought throughout the day?

Inspire yourself, and remind yourself that you can change your life, your feelings, and the world around you with little changes at first, then go bigger as you get inspired and see opportunities.

Start Making Plans for Real Positive Change

The next step is to see how you may be stuck in a routine without autonomy right now but you have the power to change that by making plans for the future. A job search may not be telling your boss where to stick their tracking app today, but you can politely put in your 2-weeks as soon as you secure another position somewhere you can feel motivated, empowered, and develop your skills again.  Saving up for moving expenses doesn’t get you out of the shoebox apartment today, but it can in just a few months of planning.

Express Yourself in Your Own Time

Finally, regain your sense of self by reclaiming what you do with your personal time. Even if you don’t have much time to yourself, burnout steals that time by causing you to just sit and stress. Take back your time and yourself by choosing something expressive and empowering to do. Paint a picture. Write in a journal. Go for a run or return to your old sport. Share your favorite music with your kids and dance your socks off. Do something that is completely and utterly you.

Reclaim Your Autonomy and Step Out of Your Burnout

If your life is currently low on autonomy and high on stress, it’s time for a change. Bishop & Company is a compassionate staffing group here to help you find your next job and escape the current limitations you face. Whether you have a micro-manager or just no options for upward mobility: the options are there. We are here to help you see them and make a beneficial change in your life, your career, and your sense of self.

Contact us to begin your job search and the changes you want to see in your life. Search our Jobs Board today!