A woman sips her morning coffee as she walks into the office. A habit she has honed after years of doing the same thing every morning of every weekday. She sits down to work in the same office, at the same desk, around all the same people from 8 in the morning to 5 p.m. Business as usual. But then, like the bad guy in a movie, COVID-19 struck the world. Then, this woman, like so many others, started to drink that first cup of coffee at home in front of a laptop instead. “Business as usual” was no more especially with the introduction of the flexible work environment.

Does this story ring true to you and your company? As the world adjusted to the ravages of COVID-19 workplaces discovered a few new ways to conduct business, and in the aftermath – everyone was left trying to figure out how the new “normal” would look. Gone are the days of a simple 9-5 in the office; the future is a flexible work environment that benefits employees and employers.

Let’s take a look.

Why Make a Flexible Work Environment

COVID forced many companies to turn to more flexible work environments, but now that it has calmed down and companies have the choice, why should they continue to adapt and foster those more flexible environments? Here are a couple of reasons.


According to Forbes.com, “Flexible work helps attract top talent, but it also makes employees more productive. In the Gartner 2021 Digital Worker Experience Survey, 43% of respondents said that flexible working hours helped them achieve more productivity, and 30% of those surveyed said that less or no time commuting allowed them to be more productive.”

In that same Forbes article, it listed a few ways a flexible work environment makes everyone more productive, some of which include;

  • Increases engagement
  • Reduces turnover
  • Allows for better work/life balance
Happier Workforce

It should come as no surprise that many people enjoy mixing up their days and spending a few days working from the comfort of their own homes. It allows for comfort and flexibility and makes your workforce happier.


Though it may seem challenging to develop camaraderie among employees while working remotely or a combination of hours at home and in the office, there are a few ways to keep up the friendships and communication.

  • Group Chat – Start a group chat for employees as a casual place to ask questions, and communicate.
  • Encourage downtime – Encourage chatting and downtime during office hours and after.
  • Make your words count – Whether you are sending an email, on the phone, sending a text, or leading a meeting – make your words matter, and don’t talk too much.
How to Create a Flexible Environment

Judy’s recent quote will help guide you as you work to create a more flexible work environment, “When you help others, you will also create an environment where others want to help you.”

Help your employees by creating a new normal with flexible work environments. Thus, you create an environment where they want to do more, work harder, and be better in return.

But how do you start? How do you create this more flexible environment while still expecting excellence? Here are some tips:

Trust the Emotional Maturity of Your Staff

Trust that your staff will get the work done – whether in the office or at home.

Be Forward Thinking

A flexible work environment is still a newer concept. By implementing it, you will be one of the forward thinkers of the future.

Empower Your Employees to Secure Their Network

Discuss common security issues – password reuse, insecure sites, ad blockers, etc. Then, help empower your employees with the tools they need to stay safe and secure in the office or home.

Communicate Briefly and Clearly

Emails and announcements do not have to be long and arduous. Keep it short, sweet, and straightforward.

The Results of Creating a Flexible Work Environment

Creating a flexible work environment is simple. The new normal includes employees and employers alike being happy, productive, engaged, and motivated. Start working on your new normal and if you need help, contact us today.